Great news Lucky Coin TouchTunes jukebox locations! Staring in February for Valentine’s Day Touchtunes is going to be launching a great feature for our jukebox customers with the TouchTunes BitterSweet Love Promotion to help driver revenue and interest to your jukebox. To inform everyone of the TouchTunes BitterSweet Love Promotion Update, TouchTunes has released the following press release, via their promotional newsletter, saying the following:
We’re excited to announce the BitterSweet Love Promotion – coming to TouchTunes jukeboxes from February 1 – 14…just in time for Valentine’s Day!
Promotional elements include:
BitterSweet Love Sweepstakes – encouraging patrons to play a song on the TouchTunes mobile app and across select jukeboxes for a chance to win a $1,000 getaway, jukebox credits and other lovely prizes.
BitterSweet Love Quiz – a fun, interactive, image-driven quiz providing fans with a love-meter result, scaling from ‘bitter’ on one end of the spectrum to ‘sweet’ on the other end.
“Great Love Songs” and “Sick Of Love Songs” Playlists – offering music fans tons of song suggestions to celebrate no matter their mood towards the holiday.
Love-Themed and Anti-Love-Themed Photo-Booth Frames – available across photo-booth equipped jukeboxes for both the patrons that are love-leaning and love-repealing.
Lightshow – available on Virtuo jukeboxes. Details below.
Valentine’s Lightshow:
Join-in on the excitement with a special Valentine’s Lightshow, available on TouchTunes Virtuo jukeboxes from February 5 – 14.
The lightshow will include a bright red light-rim and wall-wash, accompanied by a purple LED equalizer that together will be sure to make your Virtuos stand-out in any environment.
ABOUT: TouchTunes jukeboxes are installed and serviced by independent vending operators. Its total North American and European installed base is about 75,000. TouchTunes’ mobile app, which allows patrons to purchase songs for play on jukeboxes, has been downloaded more than five million times.
Source: TouchTunes Promotional Newsletter | Released Jan. 17, 2017
If you are interested in the TouchTunes BitterSweet Love Promotion or working with Lucky Coin, you can contact us at, call us at 1-855-34-LUCKY, or visit us at our website. We specialize in Class A and B Georgia Lottery Skills Games, ATMs, Pool Tables, Golden Tees, TouchTunes Jukeboxes, Counter Top Touch Games, and all other coin operated amusement that make you money! We have put together comprehensive packages for gas stations, bars, restaurants, and nightclubs that have profited them thousands of dollars, with almost NO cost to you. We provide the equipment, installation, maintenance, and exceptional 24/7 service FREE of charge, and you simply benefit from the added income! It’s a Win, Win!