The Georgia Lottery has released some helpful advice for all location owners, in reference to preventing theft of COAM funds and keeping locations compliant! Lucky Coin wants to make sure that all locations are made aware of the best practices for operating the games. In the Jan-March 2018 COAM Connection Newsletter, the GA Lottery informs location license holders:
Theft of COAM Funds
With COAM revenue at record highs, the GLC thought it would be beneficial to remind LLHs of some strategies for reducing or minimizing theft from COAMs. LLHs may find themselves experiencing theft from COAMs and losing a significant portion of revenue made in a day or a week. What are somestrategies in dealing with COAM theft?
Reduce Trouble by Building Relationships – LLHs and their employees should be attentive to activity within their location and around the COAMs. Greet people and be mindful of activity around COAMs in an effort to identify any potential security risks. People are less likely to do bad things to people they feel a connection or have a rapport with.
Placing COAMs in Visible Area of the Business – If a machine often experiences damage or theft, the best course of action may be to move the machine(s) to a different location within the business. Place COAMs in an area of the business that can be easily observed by employees helps prevent a lot of damage and destruction as well as theft.
Remove Cash Daily – Another suggestion would be to remove cash from COAMs daily and deposit the funds on a daily basis in their COAM designated bank account and maintain accurate accounting records.
Security Camera Installation – One of the best methods of vandalism and theft prevention may be the installation of a simple security camera in the area. If a particular section of your business is more susceptible to theft, consider better placement of the COAMs. A COAM may be more profitable in a different part of a business location. As a reminder, any movement of COAMs must be coordinated ahead of time between the MLH and Intralot.
If you have any questions about March 2018 COAM News, or if you are interested in working with Lucky Coin, you can contact us at, call us at 1-855-34-LUCKY, or visit us at our website. We specialize in Class A and B Georgia Lottery Skills Games, ATMs, Pool Tables, Golden Tees, TouchTunes Jukeboxes, Counter Top Touch Games, and all other coin operated amusement that make you money! We have put together comprehensive packages for gas stations, bars, restaurants, and nightclubs that have profited them thousands of dollars, with almost NO cost to you. We provide the equipment, installation, maintenance, and exceptional 24/7 service FREE of charge, and you simply benefit from the added income! It’s a Win, Win!