It’s time for the Georgia skill games revenue share charge for 2016-2017. As we move into July here in Georgia, the Class B Coin Operated Amusement Machine (COAM) skill game industry and the Georgia Lottery Corporation are going to see some changes to the revenue share program that has been established by Georgia Law for skill games. In 2015, the revenue share program established payment distribution of 47% for Location License Holders, 47% for Master License Holders, and 6% for the Georgia Lottery Corporation. According the Georgia Lottery April-June Newsletter, effective July 1, 2016 the Georgia Lottery Corporation will update and increase it’s revenue share by 1%.
Since the Class B Coin Operated Amusement Machine (COAM) law requires that each location license holder place all of the Class B Coin Operated Amusement Machines (COAM) or skill games proceeds in a separate bank account accessible by the Georgia Lottery no later than the next business day after the location licensee collect the proceeds, location license holders need to be aware of the July 1 change and proceed accordingly. The updated revenue share program distribution for Location License Holders (LLHs) is 46.5%, Master License Holders (MLHs) is 46.5%, and Georgia Lottery Corporation (GLC) is 7.0%.