One of the most frequently asked GA COAM Report questions that Lucky Coin receives from locations who are reading their COAM reports from Intralot deals with the transaction codes found on the report. Here are the most common transaction codes and their meaning:
What does transaction code “20005-Adjusted Revenue” mean?
Adjusted Revenue is an adjustment that happened before the start of a new accounting period.
What does transaction code “20006-Adjusted Revenue From Prior APs” mean?
Adjusted Revenue from Prior AP is an adjustment that was from a previous accounting period.
What does transaction code “20102-Transfer Neg. COAM Net Revenue” mean?
Transfer Negative COAM Net Revenue is when a location has a credit, and the revenue is transferred to the next period.
What does transaction code “20103-Remove Neg. COAM Net Revenue” mean?
Remove Negative COAM Net Revenue is when a location has a credit, and the revenue is more than the credit, so the credit is removed.
If you have any questions or if you are interested in working with Lucky Coin, you can contact us at, call us at 1-855-34-LUCKY, or visit us at our website. We specialize in Class A and B Georgia Lottery Skills Games, ATMs, Pool Tables, Golden Tees, TouchTunes Jukeboxes, Counter Top Touch Games, and all other coin operated amusement that make you money! We have put together comprehensive packages for gas stations, bars, restaurants, and nightclubs that have profited them thousands of dollars, with almost NO cost to you. We provide the equipment, installation, maintenance, and exceptional 24/7 service FREE of charge, and you simply benefit from the added income! It’s a Win, Win!