On the GACOAM.COM website, the Georgia Lottery has released some helpful advice for all location owners, in reference to prizes for Georgia COAM redemption and skill games. Staying compliant with the prize redemption regulations, will help to avoid any issues that may occur. Lucky Coin wants to make sure that all locations are made aware of the best practices for operating the games. On the Georgia Lottery COAM website, the GA Lottery informs location license holders of the following regulations:


Georgia law prohibits any form of cash payout as a form of redemption for COAM prizes. Payment of cash, in any form, by the licensee is a criminal and regulatory violation. A Location licensee could face legal penalties including prosecution by law enforcement authorities, fines, as well as the possible suspension or revocation of the COAM licensee along with the loss of any traditional lottery license and other state issued licenses. Redemption of COAM prizes from Class B COAMs can only be made for non-cash merchandise (up to $5 per play) or lottery tickets at the location where the game is played. No alcohol, tobacco, or firearms can be redeemed as COAM prizes.

If a LLH is also a lottery retailer, instant and online (draw game) tickets may be given as COAM prizes (any price point). A LLH that is a lottery retailer must ensure the instant games have not ended and ensure that none of the draws have expired for the online (draw game) tickets prior to distributing to the player as a prize redemption. If a LLH is not a lottery retailer, the LLH may only purchase instant tickets (any price point) from an authorized lottery retailer and provide them as COAM prizes. A LLH that is not an authorized lottery retailer shall maintain records to verify purchases of instant lottery tickets from an authorized lottery retailer. A LLH that is not an authorized lottery retailer but provides instant lottery tickets as COAM prizes shall not redeem those lottery tickets for cash. Players may be referred to authorized lottery retailers in order to redeem instant ticket prizes.

Items Permitted as COAM Prizes

Lottery tickets (online and instant tickets for approved lottery locations), Lottery tickets (instant only for non-lottery approved locations), gift cards designated ONLY for specific location prize is won, services offered by business (i.e. haircuts, manicures, etc.), and non-cash store merchandise

Items NOT Permitted as COAM Prizes

Cash, alcohol, tobacco, firearms, gift cards for other businesses (Wal-Mart, Target, etc.), and no promotional play

Lucky Coin, is a family owned coin operated amusement business, that can offer you the ability to increase GA Lottery sales with the addition of Class A and B COAMs! We believe that we can provide more value, better equipment, and better customer service than any provider, at NO risk and NO cost to you. Even if you are happy with your current skill redemption game provider, Lucky Coin would love to provide you with the best choice when it comes to your convenience retail, bar, restaurant, or amusement center needs. If you are interested in working with Lucky Coin, or learning more about 2019-2020 GA COAM Location License Renewal Instructions contact us at info@luckycoininc.com, luckycoininc.com/contact, facebook.com/luckycoininc, or at 1-855-34-LUCKY.

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