It is that time of year! It is time for all location owners to renew their location license for the 2024-2025 fiscal year and Lucky Coin is here to help. The 2024-2025 GA COAM Location License renewal instructions are located below:
What documentation will be needed to renew for Class B COAM license?*
-Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)
-State Taxpayer Identification Number (STI)
-Alcohol License (if applicable)
-GA Lottery Retailer Number (if applicable)
-Driver’s License and Social Security Number
-Credit/Debit Card to pay for licenses
*Have these documents available in case the Lottery asks for updated information or copies of any of these documents.
How to renew location licenses for GA COAMs:
2. Select LOG-IN in the top right corner
3. Sign-in with your USER NAME and PASSWORD
4. Once logged into your account, select LICENSES at the top of the page
5. From the drop down menu, select your business name/ license type (CLASS A or B)
6. Once you select, the new screen will give you a prompt to RENEW license (you may need to scroll down)
7. Make sure to complete all the boxes/question even the ones that say OPTIONAL, or it will not allow you to move on to the next screen.
Lucky Coin, is a family owned coin operated amusement business, that can offer you the ability to increase GA Lottery sales with the addition of Class A and B COAMs! We believe that we can provide more value, better equipment, and better customer service than any provider, at NO risk and NO cost to you. Even if you are happy with your current skill redemption game provider, Lucky Coin would love to provide you with the best choice when it comes to your convenience retail, bar, restaurant, or amusement center needs. If you are interested in working with Lucky Coin, or learning more about 2024-2025 GA COAM Location License Renewal Instructions contact us at,,, or at 1-855-34-LUCKY.